What is Self-Care?

I have honestly been on that journey myself. To notice the moments I feel my best and what I did to feel that way. At first, I thought self-care was spa time. A bath, face mask, painting my nails. But what are things that make me stop, feel warm and fuzzy inside, feel a moment of rest or recharged?

It was simple moments, like lighting my favorite candle with a cute set of matches, sipping a yummy drink while binge watching Maid ( If you haven’t watched this, you must!) reading my intention cards and jotting about what I felt. A heating pad around my neck as I laid in bed having a retail therapy moment.

Don’t get me wrong I will always love a warm bath with a beautiful bath bomb or a face mask night with my daughter Arlie! But there are so many little moments that feel like self-care to me. Especially when working full-time, having 2 sweet girls that need me and let’s not forgot quality time with the hubby. I am still able to find simple moments for me. I just have to look a little for them!

As the pandemic came with limitations and lots of nights in, I was inspired to create these special, simple moments for others. And the best part- shipped straight to your home! Inclusive options because we all like different things. A price point for many. Yes, it’s that simple!

Today I launch what has been slowly evolving the last year and a half. This ones for all the babes, that need a moment, where ever you are.

Happy Small Business Shopping!